Sunday, August 31, 2014

My redemption on 7 Lakes Drive

"The moment my legs begin to move, my thoughts begin to flow" ~ Henry David Thoreau 

Welcome back for another addition of #shlomotrained. 

Wow, what a week it has been. Last week I started by saying that 2:55 is going to be my goal time for the Marine Corps Marathon which is taking place on Sunday October 26, 2014 in and around downtown Washington DC. We are 55 days away and so far so good! 

This morning I returned back to my old training grounds, Harriman State Park & Seven Lakes Drive. I started out this morning at Reeves Meadow Information Center (Which also happens to be a great place to meet up with friends and go explore the great outdoors), then headed North out of the gravel parking area to Lake Askoti, 7 miles up the road. A long and mentally tough course.
I would like to compare Seven Lakes Drive to the "Queen K Highway" (If your not familiar, "The Queen K" is a stretch of road on the IronMan World Championship which is known for it's heat and wind). Seven Lakes Drive is a straight long road with long and moderate climbs. On any given day it can throw you many challenges, weather running, cycling or hiking the many trails. Well today I have to say I redeemed myself. The past few times I trained here I either cramped up, got caught in heavy rains, or had to stop because of heat exhaustion. This morning with it being a bit overcast, and a slight breeze (which helped), and I was able to complete my 14.5 mile run with an average pace of 7:07 min/mile, and a total elevation gain of 1256 feet! Here is the link to my route on Garmin, 

  • Want to learn more, or support a great trail conference? Then check out the NYNJTC website here

Moving on, last week we featured "Exercise movement of the week" (which was the plank... Of course), and in this episode we will focus on recovery, and another exercise movement.

Here are a Foam Rolling techniques to help with your recovery:

The Benefits Of Foam Rolling

The foam roller helps to create and maintain long, smooth muscles, by treating knotty, tender muscular areas, also known as trigger points, with deep tissue massage.

  • Become more injury-resistant as strength, mobility and posture are improved.
  • Muscles train more readily, when smooth.
  • Recover faster, so you can train again sooner.
  • Allows greater mobility.
  • The foam roller itself trains balance, encourages symmetry, and improves bodily awareness.

IT (iliotibial) Band
  • Step one,- While positioned to one side, place your hip on the foam roller. Place your elbow on the same side on the ground for support. Bend and place your opposite leg in front. This will help the motion of the exercise, provide balance, and distribute your weight equally on the foam roller.
  • Step two,- While using your hands and your stationary foot for support, roll from your hip down to the knee, pausing on any tight or sore spots.

Calves – Single leg
  • Step one,- Position the foam roller under one leg (right behind the ankle), while using your hands to support your upper body. Your opposite leg remains straight and off to the side of the foam roller.
  • Step two,- Lifting your bottom off the floor, slowly drive your body forward, rolling from the ankle to just below your knee joint pausing on any tight or sore spots. Point your toes up (dorsiflexion) and down (plantar flexion).
Now, for the "Exercise movement of the week"
The Push-up

How many can you complete in 60 seconds, or till failure? Tell me in the comment section below.

So, what's your favorite sport?

Signed, #shlomotrained


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